
s42349ca113934_37Hello and welcome to my home page.

We all are facing difficulties in life, it might be through sickness or unemployment or even death. On top of those personal difficulties there are those difficulties or fears, we face through the events around the world, such as war or rumour of war or floods and epidemics. No matter where you stand in regards of your believe in God or about God you will experience one or the other or even all of them.  I thank God for the peace and help He gives me when I face those situations in life and believe me I do. It is so good to know that He, God is in control and nothing will happen unless He permits. I would love to help anyone through biblical counselling, who faces those challenges at present.

My message to you is get close to God and become a follower of Jesus the King of Kings, who died for you. When you are one of His child, He will keep you to the end.

Should you desire to contact me please send an email to


Bringing Hope to Ireland